Bowlr makes managing your members easier than ever. Our membership management module lets you keep track of and update member information on the go, saving you time while minimising any unnecessary hassles. Streamline your operations, keep your data safe, and give your members the best experience possible - all from one easy-to-use platform.
If you'd like to learn more, why not call us on 01202 684400? We'd be happy to answer your questions and talk you through everything Bowlr has to offer, so don't hesitate to get in touch!
Member Contact Details
Fed up of trying to reach a club member, only to discover that their contact details are nowhere to be found? Bowlr makes your life easier by keeping all your members' details in one convenient place, so you can look up the following in seconds:
• Name
• Club ID
• Phone number
• Email address
• Home address
• Date of birth
Subscription Details
Bowlr makes it easy for you to access each member's subscription type and the date they joined, which helps you stay on top of upcoming membership fee payments and join anniversaries. There’s also an option to view a summary of all member data, including the total number of members, a breakdown of member ages, and how many members are in each group.
Locker, Keys, and Vehicle Registration Information
When you’re busy running your club, it’s easy to get bogged down by small details. Bowlr lets you gather all those easily forgotten locker numbers and keycodes into a single easy-to-find location, so you can quickly retrieve them whenever you need to. It also keeps tabs on who owns which vehicle, making it simple to protect your car park from any non-members sneaking in.
Group Sorting
Bowlr lets you organise your members into distinct groups based on their membership type (e.g. male and female, junior and adult). This makes it easy to quickly access email addresses and contact specific groups, and eliminates the need for manual sorting or reaching out individually.
Letter Generation
Why waste time writing out letters when you can generate them with just a click?
Bowlr gives you the ability to upload letter templates for sending renewal reminders, payment notices, or any other letter you may want to send out. These templates can be automatically customised with each group’s contact information, freeing up valuable time for your admin team.
Ready to get started with a next-level membership management system for your bowls club? Book your free, no-obligation demo today!
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