Save on bank transfer fees and go cashless with Bowlr’s Rink Fees module!
This module gives members an online balance they can use to pay for roll-up games and leagues, similar to a pay-as-you-go phone. There’s no need for them to bring cash or a debit card to the club, as fees are automatically deducted from their balance when booking a rink. This reduces cash handling while saving you hundreds on bank transfer fees.
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Member Balance Portal
In the member portal, members can check their balance and see if it needs topping up. If it does, they can instantly add funds via secure card payment, with no action required from the club.
Automatic Payments
When members book a rink for a roll-up game, their account will be automatically charged. If they invite other members to join, their fees will also be deducted. League fees are only deducted after the league results are finalised.
Automatic Refunds
If a member cancels a booking, the match fee will be automatically refunded, and the booking will be removed. Your club will be notified via email.
Configure Fees
The Rink Fees module lets you easily adjust fees for both members and visitors. You can also enable or disable overdrafts and set a maximum overdraft limit for members.
View Balances
When viewing a booking on the system, members with negative balances will appear in yellow, indicating that they are overdrawn. Visitors will appear in green, signifying that they will need to pay upon arrival.
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